
Wait till tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day for our new President. You, as traders, investors, economists and just economically informed people will be the real judges. Everyone that wants something for nothing, help in their lives or those who just honestly want America back on her feet are for this plan. Of course, and not claiming to myself, most of the public don't really understand it, the implications of magically producing all that cash, and therefore don't see the forest. Whatever, there are very smart people who probably know what their doing, and a lot more than I do, the question is "what are they doing"? Are there plans for later down the road when the money runs out? Are they expecting the economy to get such a jolt it will repair and take care of all that debt? What? That is what you all, the aforementioned, will decide tomorrow. In a sense the future also lies in your hands. To decipher and figure out if this plan will work. Your vote is your market movement. Tomorrow is just the beginning. It will take a while to sort itself all out. But in the end, it is you they have to try and convince, and I think as a whole you are smarter than they are, and won't be fooled.

I sold out of DUG today at around 22 for a slight gain, and then it preceded to shoot up to 22.39. Bought into JASO, UYG and NTFX at EOD. Still holding GIS puts. NFLX is down a bit after hours. The others are a play on bank bailouts and alternative energy handouts. Hoping for an early rally and then sell out.

Lots of lists and ideas but nothing even really worth going into until we see what tomorrow brings. Over all I didn't have a really good day as it should have been. I am mostly flat since the
middle of last week.
Watch the President tonight for any clues.
I went to Kauai to work for awhile after Iniki when I lived on Maui. It was kinda messed up at the time from the hurricane, but still has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth!!