Our new Treasury Secretary looked like a little kid at the school play reluctantly pushed on stage from behind the curtain. His boss was strutting around in some poor recession bit town talking about how his new plan was going to save the economy and the world. People talking about "I have to sleep in my car Mr. Obama, can you help me". In the meantime the Senate was voting in the new plan and that made our president very happy. He was smiling broadly as he told the people "that's good news".
Back in the real world, the people in the know were jumping from a sinking ship. Even the usually optimistic TV personalities looked nervous and ravaged. Interviewers thrashing poor Tim, who looked like he was really sorry he took the job, Investors were fleeing town, the new go it alone without a broker crowd were panicking, trying to push the market up every (not a chance) chance they had, but mostly it was a free fall. The day traders were laughing, celebrating and making merry all day long. Those guys were truly a sight to behold.
On a sad note, I'm holding RIMM calls this morning. Also NFLX calls and SPY and GIS puts. There is a good chance I could lose everything I gained yesterday at the open.