
Friday!!! Time to take a breath.

I sold DUG today right near the close for a nice gain. Still holding JASO which is just wandering around aimlessly and sold my SSO puts a tad early in the afternoon, but still made some money. SSO and myself are going to take a break from each other for awhile. Not that I don't appreciate all it has done for me as of late, it's just my nerves get jangled not being able to stay on top of it. You know what I mean. Looking at the market on my phone, sometimes those dips, or the the other way on puts, can drive me a little nuts. Makes me want to rush to my computer, which isn't always possible as I work during the day. So, just a little break.

As was assumed yesterday, WMT broke down through resistance. I actually bought it a little earlier than planned, like right as it touched the line, but the "not as bad as we thought it was going to be" news didn't really fool me. I mean, it was still very bad. We were going down. Just how much was the question, and it was just enough to make me happy today.

I decided to hold WMT over the weekend, even though it looks as though it may be at the end of it's cycle. Looking out, it still could have a way to fall. The way I see it there will be resistance around 45, where it was almost exactly a year ago. If it breaks thru that, the next stop could very well be 41.70 or so. I don't really think that is likely and anything below that is back before the year 2000. So, below are the charts to visualize what I'm talking about.

I love this
Getting better all the time.

Today I did all this very conservatively and didn't have to use any of my day trades.

So come Monday, after whatever kind of weird stuff happens over the weekend, I will have a little more control over my fate.

I don't day trade, but a person needs that option to be able to get out of a trade that is going the wrong way, and in this environment I found that happens often. Some of this market is just not making any sense. Huh!

One of the most beautiful drives on earth