
Back and forth, up and down.

What's a body to do. Today, of course, I got out of all my longs, except JASO, and bought puts in SSO and , thanks to a tip on Twitter from tommybibiyan, some Rimm mar 50 puts. Got the SSO turned around in time to make small gains and did really well on the Rimm puts. Thanks Tommy.

I got some DUG today, a little late, but in time to score some nice $$. Overnight I'm holding DUG and SSO puts and my loser, JASO.

If I haven't said it before, although I'm sure I have, I Love Twitter. Thanks so much to GIO for turning me on to it, what seems like ages ago.

Tomorrow if WMT heads down and breaks through resistance, I may pick up a few puts. On the upside I'm interested in TTEK .