
The Housing Market

It seems lately we have been getting good news from the housing industry. Stocks may not show it so much, but there is a definite increase in activity throughout the country. Some believe that the key to the recovery from this contraction in the economy depends on housing. Others just refuse to believe in anything. That's not necessarily a bad position to have when trading, as long as you believe in being on the right side of the trade.

Housing is my livelihood so I tend to watch that particular market closely. All this job loss and printing of money is of course not a good thing, and sure there's lots of trickery and spin from the financials and the Government, but when you peel back the layers of bad and scrape off all the sh.., it looks as though there may be some improvement visible. Real improvement. People are starting to venture out again into the aftermath and having a look around. Tentatively at first then with a little more aggresion. People are starting to buy again!