The Japanese are known to commit Hari Kari, also known as sepuku, when one is so shamed that the only way to regain honor is in death. Suicide in this case. It seems to me it would have to be something pretty bad. Really bad! In China they execute you. In Japan they kill themselves. In America they are rewarded with great riches, usually.
Maybe that is what is so alarming about this particular death. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are huge financial institutions in this country that are deeply mixed in both big business and Government involving gigantic sums of money. Not a good mix. High level Politicians are involved in not so savory practices and back room deals. Upper Management are all among some of the super rich while the companies and their clients lost everything. No one is really coming clean about all of the debt and trouble in the two companies, just so much Government spin.
Makes one wonder. Right now I bet there is a scramble among the principle players in that whole mess to cover up, spin and make sure only gets out what they want to get out. Like Watergate did, maybe this scandal will inspire some young idealist reporter looking to make a name dig deep enough and bring it all to light so we can sort through this mess and get the proper individuals behind bars. (Whomever they may be)