Reality hits us with bad news daily, terrible news, and every day this market continues to surprise us. The analysts, TV personalities and bloggers are split right down the middle with opinions on direction. Are we still in a Bear market? Has the tide turned and is it over? I don't think anyone really knows.
Every day now it seems someone from the Government is coming out and letting us know what a great job they are doing and how we are saved. Of course with all the new money being made, literally made with presses, it appears things are in fact improving. Be very careful about believing in Government, any Government. As soon as people figure out they will say anything to benefit themselves, the real direction will find itself.
We may be at a critical level here with the S&P. We break down any further and that could be it. Goodbye rally and good riddance. This short video by Adam Hewison will give you some insight and good ideas about what may be coming. Whatever happens, these are extraordinary times to be trading that present some wonderful opportunity's to make money.