Use your money to trade
Stock Market Education doesn't have to cost a lot of money, but it does. There are places and ways to get a quality education, even better than those expensive "schools" that cost thousands of dollars, by looking around the web and gathering good information and quality knowledge from some really talented people. Lots of places where research can be done and stock information and statistics can be found absolutely free. Yahoo and Google finance pages, blogs run by super talented trader/investors with nothing but good intentions and not hungry for your money. Some of the premium research services owned and operated by retired floor traders and money managers offer an education that can't be matched. Learn from the masters of the markets and beware the scammers.
Seems every one and his sibling has a service to offer. Some good and some bad. Point is, be careful and don't get burned. Just as you would research an equity thoroughly before you bought it, research your training prospects.
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Just as this castle is protected, you need to protect your money. It's hard enough keeping it away from Mother market much less all the others that want it.