This a not a popular scenario given the political and economic environment, but I believe the American people are actually starting to take a little notice as to what's going on in their Government, and are getting a little angry. It's not only outrage now at rich CEOs and super bonused employees, but, wait a minute, what about you guys. Lots of questions being asked, lots of squirming going on. The theory is the bad guys, not the bonused guys, will get shaken out and cool level, honest people will be left or scared straight, so to speak.
The reason we're here, as we all know, is not because of a lot of rich business people. They contributed, sure, but they were given the perfect setup by our Government. What do you do when you come across a good setup? Ponder whether you like the company or not. Wonder if it's ethical? NO, you trade it. And that's just what happened.
Sold NFLX grudgingly yesterday, and today is was up, barley. I don't regret as yesterday was a strange day. NFLX was up quite bit once today but closed with that long bearish tail.
I almost panicked and dumped this way back on Feb. 17 after it broke back down through my resistance after the close above. But alas, cool heads prevailed.

Not sure if "bonused" is a word, but you get the point.
You can help yourself by helping your country by getting involved!!
Next place I want to visit.