This was your money. Given to BOA through one of the governments bailouts. So many now it's hard to keep track. Stolen, literally. If you or I (assuming you are an average American citizen, and not a politician or a major doner to said) attempted to pull off this criminal act we would most certainly go to jail. They gave away 5.4 BILLION dollars while losing 27.6 BILLION of shareholders money. I would call that looting. We need to take our country back. Not as Democrats or Republicans, but as American citizens.
Remember, Jeffery Skinner went to jail for telling Enron's shareholders and you, that everything was all right. Barney Frank and his clan told you the same thing about Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, and their still walking around free. Go figure.
In stock news today, not much to tell. I opened holding QCOM, ENER and XLE puts. Got rid of XLE pretty early in the morning session. Picked up some DIG and DXO first thing and then some KO right at the bottom, pure luck. Sold DIG before the sell off at the end of the day. Going into tomorrow holding QCOM and ENER puts and KO.
I almost always buy my puts into the next month with the market like this in case they run, unless I'm expecting just a power play the next day. If I trade like that, I'm out right away if it doesn't go my way. Keeping it simple is my philosophy, buying, shorting and selling with charts, price and volume.