Spent all day yesterday in the Capitol at AFP meetings and keeping a watchful eye on our state government. You get around that stuff and you will be amazed at the way the other half lives, off
of your dime. The wasteful spending in Government is nothing less than astounding. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/10/study-pelosi-repeated-requests-military-aircraft/ (just one small example)
These watch dog groups around the country really are effective. While small in number, at least it lets government know that someone cares and fights against its corruption. Now if all of the people became involved, a peaceful revolution, so to speak, we could really make the Government sit up, take notice and start working for the people and the good of the country again. Democrats, Republicans, Indies, everyone. Quit fighting among each other and take your country back.
A lot of these groups get hijacked by the extreme side of one of the parties. Say Taxes for example. Taxes and wasteful spending. Now those are problems that effect all of us. The rich, the poor, the white, black orange. Even the idealists in the different parties suffer from such. But the Government, the "American Elite" absolutely love it when you fight amongst yourselves. As long as we keep at each other, the guys ripping off go unnoticed and unpunished. Yes, unpunished, cause these guys breack the law, our laws, every day and get away with it.
I'm getting off track. The point is, when you show up for a rally or meeting about taxes or Government spending, don't bring up your super right or left idealist issues such as abortion or feeding the poor and lazy. Stay focused. I've seen groups of good people fall apart as the message gets off track.
Still long, felt good today. I went into today with BGU, UA and CY. Sold BGU and CY and picked some SPY 71 April calls and UCO, which I will shed tomorrow if we have an unfavorable report.