
PPT and politics

Today I attended an activist training seminar with and . It was very interesting and informative. One thing, I was astounded at the number of older Americans that didn't understand or actually fought against the new social media. It was a little disheartening. Explaining it in terms of that's the reason the president is the one we have got attention, and at least prompted some more positive discussion on the matter.
We don't need Republicans or Democrats. We need Americans to guide themselves back to the founding principles.

In stocks, Thursday was a break even day, but, and I mean but, it should have been a killer day as I was holding APOL during the dramatic drop, .....and the dramatic rise. :( Finally sold it yesterday after it filled the morning gap for a small profit. Watching it go down I kept telling myself sell, sell, sell. But the little devil on the other shoulder said hold on, it'll keep falling, and it didn't. Pure unadulterated greed kept me from almost a thousand dollar gain in a matter of minutes. Lesson learned. Came out ahead Friday nicely thanks to DUG and that pitifully small APOL gain.
I am now the proud subscriber of the flys, @, PPT. Having lots of fun with it this weekend, we'll see how it works out next week.
In Honor of founder and the famous PPT.